
Wednesday, August 1, 2018

DIY School Planner

Hello, Butterflies

Today I would like to share how I DIY a School planner for each of my children. I find that buying a planner for my kids they don't seem to use it thought out the school year.  If  I DIY a planner they will use it each day, I am not sure why. 

I will draw three weekly spread and have them pick what one they like the best. I don't add any extra images to them, I just keep them simple so they can add them to the planner. 

Each month I will use one color for the month name and the date of each day. This way it makes it easier to see when a new month is starting, as they don't like having a calendar in their planners. Any time through the year if they need to refer to a calendar they will use their cell phones.

This year I went little nuts with the washi tape on each of them.  I want to give each of them something that was unique and easy to spot in a stack of books. 

Each of the planners was made out of a Composition Book, which I find holds up throughout the year to being put in a backpack or shoved in a locker. They are also cheap notebooks as each of them only cost one dollar. 

So let jump into the images of each of them...

This planner I have added a place in the front that my daughter can add her name at the bottom of the cover.

This first three of pages I added  Class Schedule, for her school they have color-coded days this way she can have her normal schedule and her yellow and purple day schedules.

On these pages, I have added a Year at a glace 2018 and 2019. I have also added 5 pages of Assignment and grade trackers.

This is the weekly layout with a corner page marker that can be moved week to week. Each day has 7 boxes and one box for any small notes need to be added to the day. The month and dates color is a light blue and do not show up will in the picture above. 

After putting in all the weeks of the school year she still has note paper so she can add any note to her planner. 

This is my son planner, the pink sticky note is covering his name that has been written in white ink on the front.

With my son's planner, He wanted a pocket added to the front cover on the inside. the white paper you are seeing on the left side is a pock like you would find in a Leuchtturm1917 journal. I have also added a Class Schedule page to the front of his planner.

I also added in the 2018 - 2019 year at a view. After this, I add 4 blank white pages and named it Doodle pages. 

This is the weekly layout with a corner page marker that can be moved week to week. Each day has 7 boxes and one box for any small notes need to be added to the day. The month and dates color is a light blue and do not show up will in the picture above. 

After putting in all the weeks of the school year he still has note paper so he can add any note to her planner. 

I have also added map pages to the end of the planner, and other helpful pages with more information on them. These pages were removed from a planner that the school gave him last year. That he wanted to add to his planner for reference throughout the year.

I hope you have enjoyed seeing how I DIY school planners for my children this school year. 

If you have any questions please free to leave them below!

As always Have a Good Day Butterflies

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