
Sunday, March 19, 2017

5 YouTube Channels That Inspire Me with Bullet Journaling

Today I want to talk about how I found my own style of bullet journaling. When I started my bullet journal I was not sure where to start, so I jumped on Pinterest and looked around. I found there were so many images of others layouts, but I need the reason they used that layout. Don’t get me wrong there was a lot of eye pleasing layouts, but in the beginning, I did not need the eye pleasing, I need the functionality of the journal.
So, I went back to Bullet Journal video and watch it again.  Well, I was watching the video I was thinking about all the gorgeous layouts That I had seen. So, then I decided to look on YouTube.  I decided that I need function and eye pleasing, so I started hunting YouTube for both.

So, I want to share with you the channels that inspire me:
Please Click on the Name to Check out the Channel.

These channels are my go to when I need inspiration for my bullet journal. When I set down and am not sure how I want a layout a spread or the page is not working for me I check them out. There are many more talented YouTubers out there that I may drop in their channels and check out. These ladies are the ones that I found in the beginning and find they have great content on the subject. So Please check out their videos and look around for many more YouTubers that inspire you with your bullet journals.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email or leave your questions below.

Have a Good Day and Plan on PlanneryButterfly.

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